Why get your tanning certification?
- Getting certified shows customers you care about their
well being; that's especially important today.
- Certification training gives you skills to deliver the best tan for your customers; that creates happy, repeat customer business.
- You learn how to assist customers in selecting the best tanning and skincare products for their skin and their tanning goals.
SunFocus- for the Best Price on Training that delivers Real Business Results.
- Tanning Operator Certification for Your state or province - Just $45
- Red Light Therapy Training - Just $25
- Spray Tanning Certification - Just $45
- How to Start Your Own Business - Just $25
- Tanning & Skincare Product Sales Training - Just $25
- HaloTherapy Training - Just $25
- Cryo Therapy Training - Just $25
"Spray Tanning Certification" and "How to Start Your Own Business" are Both available in a single enrollment for just $55 - you save 20% off the single course price and hundreds of dollars compared to other spray tan courses.
Spray Tanning Regulations
When your certification training "course" is used to sell you products and equipment how can you be sure the information is accurate and complete?
Since we started in 1994 SunFocus has been "brand neutral". We have no "sponsors" or "partners" that pay us for endorsement; no affiliation with any industry vendor. We are not an "Association", "Institute" or "Network" setup by a marketing company or magazine publisher. We have no membership fees and carry no ads.
We are truthfully independent; this allows us to give you accurate and independent information you can trust, not ads "dressed up" as information.
The SunFocus e-Newsletter
is Your Free Tanning Operations Consultant
Get it Here
US State Tanning Regulations
Why is tanning certification important to your business?
We provide this information as a service but realize the states often change web addresses and locations. We review links frequently but if you find a link that does not work please let us know at sunfocus@tanningcertification.com so that we can correct it. Thanks!
- Age restrictions for all states are listed at -
State Regulations / Links
- Alabama --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Alabama
- Alaska --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Alaska
No state regulations
- Arizona --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for Arizona
https://arra.az.gov/sites/default/files/media/A.A.C.%20Title%2012%2C%20Chapter%201.pdf (you are interested in Sections R12-1-1412. to R12-1-1416.)
- Arkansas --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Arkansas
- California --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for California
- Colorado --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Colorado
- Connecticut --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Connecticut
age restricted only....http://www.lawserver.com/law/state/connecticut/ct-laws/connecticut_statutes_19a-232
- District of Columbia --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for the District of Columbia
- Delaware --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Delaware
- Florida --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for Florida
- Georgia --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Georgia
- Hawaii --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Hawaii
age restricted only....http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol06_Ch0321-0344/HRS0321/HRS_0321-0012_0002.htm
- Idaho --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Idaho
age restricted only....https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title18/T18CH15/SECT18-1523/
- Illinois --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Illinois
- Indiana --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Indiana
- Iowa --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Iowa
- Kansas --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Kansas
- Kentucky --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for Maine
under 18 age restriction and other new laws effective in early 2020
- Maryland --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Michigan Maryland
age restricted, country level regulations
under 18 age restriction effective 10/1/2019
- Massachusetts --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Massachusetts
- Michigan --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Michigan
- Minnesota --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Minnesota
- Mississippi --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for Mississippi
- Missouri --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Missouri
age restricted only....http://www.sos.mo.gov/cmsimages/adrules/csr/current/19csr/19c20-12.pdf
- Montana --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Montana
No state regulations
- Nebraska --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Nebraska
age restricted only....http://dhhs.ne.gov/licensure/Pages/Indoor-Tanning-Facilities.aspx
- Nevada --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Nevada
This is a partner site...http://nevadacancercoalition.org/prevention/indoor-tanning
- New Hampshire --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for New Hampshire
http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-XXX-313-A.htm You are interested in Sections 313-A:28 to 313-A:34
- New Jersey --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for New Jersey
- New Mexico --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for New Mexico
No state regulations
- New York (state) --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for New York
- New York City --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for New York City
- North Carolina --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for North Carolina
- North Dakota--- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for North Dakota
- Ohio --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course approved for Ohio
- Oklahoma --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island--- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Rhode Island
- South Carolina --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for South Carolina
- South Dakota--- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for South Dakota
No state regulations
- Tennessee --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Tennessee
- Texas --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Texas
- Utah --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Utah
- Vermont --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Vermont
age restricted only....http://www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/2012/bills/Passed/H-157.pdf
- Virginia --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Virginia
- Washington--- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Washington
age restricted only....https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=18.370
- West Virginia --- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for West Virginia
- Wisconsin--- SunFocus has a Tanning Certification course specifically for Wisconsin
- Wyoming --- The SunFocus National Certification course is valid for Wyoming
age restricted only....http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2010/Enroll/HB0063.pdf
US Nationwide Tanning Regulations
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates indoor tanning equipment and it's use.
Their website - https://www.fda.gov/
FDA tanning information, includes their regulations - https://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/HomeBusinessandEntertainment/ucm116447.htm
SunFocus Certification is the only Tanning Certification backed by the exclusive Certification for Life ™ guarantee:
- If you earn a SunFocus Tanning Certification then relocate and want certification in your new home state or province, upon request, we will enroll you in our course appropriate for that state at no charge. If you earn a SunFocus Tanning Certification and your state has or creates a requirement for periodic re-certification, upon request, we will enroll you in our course appropriate for that re-certification at no charge.
SunFocus provides more state / province specific, tanning certification courses than all other salon certification vendors combined. Real training that applies to your business situation.
Students consistently praise our courses for being clear, easy to understand and follow, informative and reliable. See samples of student comments.
No membership fees, no sponsor ads and no hidden costs. Just the Best Course at the Best Price with the Best Service
Experience for yourself that SunFocus is the smart tanning training choice; not an "Association", "Institute" or "Network" setup by a marketing company or magazine publisher.
The SunFocus e-Newsletter is Your
Free Tanning Operations Consultant
Get it Here