SunFocus Profit Building Training
- Tanning Operator Certification for Your state or province - Just $45
- Red Light Therapy Training - Just $25
- Spray Tanning Certification - Just $45
- How to Start Your Own Business - Just $25
- Tanning & Skincare Product Sales Training - Just $25
- HaloTherapy Training - Just $25
- Cryo Therapy Training - Just $25
Since we started in 1994 SunFocus has been "brand neutral". We have no "sponsors" or "partners" that pay us for endorsement; no affliation with any industry vendor. We are not an "Association", "Institute" or "Network" setup by a marketing company or magazine publisher. We have no membership fees and carry no ads.
We are truthfully independent; this allows us to give you accurate and independent information you can trust, not ads "dressed up" as information.
about Tanning Training -
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At this time no state requires spray tanning certification
- New Jersey has a regulation that prohibits persons
under the age of 14 from getting spray tans.
- Ohio requires registration as a tanning facility to offer spray tanning but has no other regulations.
- Oregon requires that you be a certified in esthetics and practice only in a licensed cosmetology facility.
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Note that in Ohio, due to their requirements, after you complete the online course you must go in person to a testing center and take a final exam before you get your certificate.
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Training teaches how to do a better job for your customers; that is the most important reason.
In our training students learn how to:
- Maximize customer tanning progress.
- Guide customers in proper skincare and tan maintenance.
- Work with customers to establish a tanning schedule and plan that meets their goals.
The benefits of these skills include:
- Increased customer satisfaction.
- Improved customer retention.
- More customer spending; more business profit.
Keep your customers and profit coming to your business. Invest in staff tanning training.
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The Certification for Life ™ guarantee is exclusively offered by SunFocus. It gives you assurance that when you relocate and want certification in your new home state we will enroll you in our course appropriate for that state at no charge.
There is no catch. As someone who has earned their Tanning Certification from us we will enroll you upon request, just send us an email with your information.
It also applies in any situation where regulations, like in Ohio, require periodic re-certification. We have you covered there too.
Just one more reason to make SunFocus Tanning Certification your choice.
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Check out our links to regulations at Regulations are also covered in detail in each of our tanning certification courses.
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Our course is comprehensive but it is very clear and easy to understand; very affordable too.
Our course is built with our long experience as actively involved owners of a multiple location tanning business. That means practical training for our students that can really be used in THEIR tanning business.
Ours is a real online course. It's not just a manual emailed or downloaded that has instructions to go to the FDA and state regulators' websites and read regulations published there.
SunFocus also has great service. Staff with tanning business experience are available for questions or if you need customer service.
We strive to bring you the best value for your training investment. That's part of the reason students, as well as managers and owners, love our course. See samples of their comments here -
We care about Indoor Tanning; we care about the
training our students receive. In fact we are
passionate about both and you will experience that in
SunFocus courses.
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- State tanning regulations. Some states have a minimum age to work as an operator and define duties covered; for example NC has a minimum of 18.
- State labor laws for young people; especially those under 16.
- Policies of individual businesses. Some, for example, require staff to be 18.
Most states do not require renewal / re-certification and consider certification valid for life. Ohio is the exception; there operator certifications expire in 4 years.
There is a lot of confusion about renewal because most certification providers only retain records for 5 years or less and tell people they must re-certify, some even say it is a requirement of regulations that you renew (it's not except in Ohio).
SunFocus keeps records of certification back to 1994 when we first started providing certification training. We provide replacement certificates for free, some other vendors charge $45 for a replacement copy.
If you do have to renew remember you get it at no charge with the SunFocus Certification for Life ™ guarantee.
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If you need to get a replacement for a certificate earned in any of our courses - email your name, the course you took, the approximate time frame when you took the course and a contact telephone number. We will check our records and email you a replacement copy. Our email is
Unlike others we keep our certification records for over 20 years, others keep records for only 5 years, after that they want you to pay to be certified again. We provide replacement certificates for no charge, others charge $45. Just two more reasons why SunFocus certification is the smart tanning training choice.
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You can interrupt a course at any time, return later even on a different day, and resume where you left off. Unlike some other vendors we do not discard your work overnight. You can even interrupt a quiz, just click on "Save without submitting" to save your work and when you are ready you can return and restart the quiz.
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UV Tanning Salon Certification and Spray Tanning Certification are $45.00. Red Light Therapy Training, Tanning Lotion & Skincare Product Sales Training, CryoTherapy Essentials and New Business Startup Training are just $25.00 each. That one price includes everything; the online training, a tanning training manual of the online material that you can download and your certificate. It also includes the SunFocus Training exclusive Certification for Life ™ guarantee. You can view all of our pricing and course descriptions at
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...How long after I complete the tanning
certification does it take to get my certificate?
When you are trained by SunFocus you get your
certificate online immediately when you complete the
course. At the completion of the course material and
quizzes you get your certificate online. You can print
and / or download it; we recommend you do both.
With SunFocus, unlike others, there is no need to wait
for a vendor to email or snail mail your certificate.
Just one more reason why SunFocus is your smart
tanning training choice.
Note that in Ohio, due to their requirements, after
you complete the online course you must go in person
to a testing center and take a final exam before you
get your certificate.
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Yes, The certificate is always included at no additional charge when you get a SunFocus certification
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If you are enrolled in a SunFocus course you can download a course manual. Open the "Course Downloads / Manual" folder that you will see near the bottom of every course home page. In the folder you will find the manual for that course. The manuals are in pdf format. A manual can augment your learning as well as being available to refer to in the future.
If you are not enrolled and want a tanning training manual to study or prepare the is one available for download at
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Sorry - We're in the Tanning Business not the publishing or membership business.
Unlike other certification vendors we have no magazine or magazine affiliation. No costly membership program for you to pay for. No advertizers or sponsors to promote.
We do have over 20 years of experience in the tanning industry as salon owners and certification providers. Since 1994 SunFocus has been the smart tanning training choice.
We do send an email newsletter monthly with hints to help your tanning business. You can signup on our training site
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We post all of them on our facebook page. You can see them at
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We offer
- Tanning Operator Certification for Your state or province - Just $45
- Red Light Therapy Training - Just $25
- Spray Tanning Certification - Just $45
- How to Start Your Own Business - Just $25
- Tanning & Skincare Product Sales Training - Just $25
- HaloTherapy Training - Just $25
- Cryo Therapy Training - Just $25
"Test Drive" Free Course Previews - Login as Guest and select any of our Free Previews from the menu.
SunFocus - the only Tanning Certification backed by the exclusive Certification for Life ™ guarantee**. Get Certified Today and You Are Certified for Life.
Experience for yourself why SunFocus Training is your smart tanning training choice.
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