Why is spray tanning certification important?

  • Getting certified is your opportunity to learn techniques to deliver long lasting glowing tans to your customers.
  • Getting certified is a simple and cost effective way to learn how to make spray tanning a profitable business that you can enjoy.
  • Getting certified will give you the knowledge you need to avoid problems in customer "pre-spray" preparation and "after-spray" color maintenance.

SunFocus- for the Best Price on Training that delivers Real Business Results.


"Spray Tanning Certification" and "How to Start Your Own Business" are Both available in a single enrollment for just $55 - you save 20% off the single course price and hundreds of dollars compared to other spray tan courses.

When your certification "course" is used to sell you products and equipment how can you be sure the information is accurate and complete? SunFocus is the only independent certification provider; "Vendor Neutral" and free of sponsor's ads.

Spray Tanning Regulations

US FDA Nationwide Spray Tanning Regulation


US State Spray Tanning Regulations


Canadian Spray Tanning Regulations

  • There is currently no nationwide or provincial regulation of spray tanning.


SunFocus - the only Tanning Certification backed by the exclusive Certification for Life ™ guarantee**. Get Certified Today and You Are Certified for Life.

SunFocus provides more state / province specific, tanning certification courses than all other salon certification vendors combined. Real training that applies to your business situation.

Students consistently praise our courses for being clear, easy to understand and follow, informative and reliable. See samples of student comments.

No membership fees, no sponsor ads and no hidden costs. Just the Best Course at the Best Price with the Best Service

Make your best choice, get your training from an experienced tanning provider, not an "Association", "Institute" or "Network" setup by a marketing company or magazine publisher.



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