Here is a sample of comments from reviews of SunFocus Courses

From Business Owners and Managers

  • The course very thorough and comprehensive.  Thank you for the service. - Robert
  • Easy to understand - Dan
  • Thank you! - Amber
  • Very helpful - Norma
  • The course was very enlightening and  knowledgeable . Courses were easy to follow and understand. - Barbara
  • Enjoyed - Kayleigh

From Employees

  • This training course is very helpful ! - Madison
  • I liked how clear the information was and that the questions were clear as well. - Ann
  • Enjoyed the extra feedback and the quizzes - Tasha
  • Very informative - Sherry
  • Gives good insight on how to run the salon properly - Danielle
  • The training is very clear. GREAT COURSE - Donna
  • it was perfect! I for sure learned a lot more! - Julieanne

Since we started in 1994 SunFocus has been "brand neutral". We have no "sponsors" or "partners" that pay us for endorsement; no affliation with any industry vendor. We are not an "Institute" or "Network" that was founded by a magazine company. We have no membership fees and carry no ads.

We are truthfully independent; this allows us to give you accurate and independent information you can trust, not ads "dressed up" as information.

SunFocus provides more state / province specific, tanning certification courses than all other tanning certification vendors combined. That means training that applies to your situation; training that fits YOU, not a "one size fits all" approach.

That's why students consistently praise our courses for being clear, easy to understand and follow, informative and reliable.

SunFocus - the only Tanning Certification backed by the exclusive Certification for Life ™ guarantee**. Get Certified Today and You Are Certified for Life.

Signup and Take your Course here

Make your best choice, get your training from an experienced tanning provider, not from a magazine company's "Institute" or "Network"

Tanning Certification


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